
Returning Home

From January 3 to 11, I stayed in my family's home.
I was very happy to see my lovely dogs!

I met a lot of my friends, and then we talked for a long time.
We went to Karaoke, and sang until morning.

On January 9, an alumni meeting was held.
I ate, drunk, and chat with my old friends and teachers.
Drinking with my former teachers was my dream for years.

On the following day was Seijin-shiki.
I got up early and put on the long-sleeved kimono.
I took many pictures with my friends.

Although it was a short stay, I enjoyed very much.
I love my hometown!

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, I went to Roppongi with my boyfriend.
We went to Tokyo Mid Town and saw the brilliant Christmas illuminations.
It was sooooooo beautiful and I was moved very much.
However, it was very cold weather, so we couldn't see for a long time.

After that, we went to eat the spareribs!
I ate it for the first time, but it was very delicious more than I thought.
After we ate and drink so much, we exchanged the Christmas present.
He gave me a bag of 'GREGORY', and I gave him a case and a keyboard for the iPad.

We had a very good time!
I wish I could be with him on next Christmas Eve.

Moving to Asakusabashi

I moved to Asakusabashi from Sakurajosui on December 17.

My new house is very large room and look like a hotel.
I fell in love with this room at first sight.
Though packing and moving were very hard work, my mother helped me and we managed to finish them.

Asakusabashi is next to Akihabara, so I often go to there and wander.
I like going to Maid Cafe, so I have gone four times.
Maids are all cute and kind girls!

I sometimes invite my friends and drink with them.
Please come to my new house!

Last English Class!

I'm so sorry for forgetting to write this blog.
Today, I will write about five events.

Today was last English class.
I was afraid that my research paper won't be in time, but I managed to finish and submit it.
However, I don't have any confidence in my research paper because it's lacking a composition.
I hope that teacher accepts it.

I love this class, my classmates, and our teacher!
I had a very good time, so I miss you all.
I'm really looking forward to drinking and chat with everyone next week.